So maybe I should change this blog's name to, "all the things that can can go wrong for a poor college student family" No? To long? You might change your mind after this post. I think that I have mentioned several times that we currently live in a house that is over a hundred years old. I always thought that I would love to own a old house some day and restore it to it's former glory. Now I know that will never happen. As something goes wrong in this house almost every week. This weekend it was the heat. There was a leak in the basement. I noticed it when I went down stairs to do laundry and I called the owner to let them know. He was out of town and said he'd be around to fix it when he got home today. No big deal right? Wrong. The leak was the from the radiator system and slowly over the weekend one by one we lost heat in each of the rooms. Until last night we lost all heat. It was 18 degree's last night so, it was pretty cold. We decided to bring all the mattresses in to the living room where we have a fire place and we all slept on the floor near it. It wasn't to bad and the boys thought it was quite an adventure but I am tired and sleepy.
Our heat is back, and life is getting back to normal, which is good. But this blog is starting to make me realize that I have a pretty boring life. Not much to talk about. So I decided that this week I'd try to post each day. A new list of different things that I like, that inspire my artistic endeavors. Things like music, movies, books, projects. Why? I don't know. I guess it would be good to have it listed somewhere because it changes so often. Also, I think it's fun to see what inspires other people. As an artist I find that little things, a line in a song, a descriptive word in a book, the way a cinematographer films a scene in a movie. They can set me off on a grand creative adventure.
love reading your post. so not boring! can't wait to see what inspires you.
Posted by: kristi | February 20, 2007 at 12:21 AM
I love reading your blog - your life is not at all boring to me!
Posted by: susan opel | February 20, 2007 at 11:43 AM
totally looking forward to your creative inspiration...
Posted by: paolo | February 20, 2007 at 12:32 PM