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October 19, 2007



Ok, your blog isn't supposed to make me cry. Grant winning a jar of kisses isn't supposed to make me cry. Do you think it's because I'm getting soft in my old age, or because every waking moment I wish you were with me?


Awh, we just booked a trip to Disneyland, although October isn't feasible for us to go I'm assured it's the happiest place on earth.
Someday you and Mark will be together.....
and someday you'll wish for a girls night, even though you're together.
Mark my words.
Mark... ha....


Sigh. Your husband is adorable.

I listen to the Becoming Jane soundtrack all day at school. I just play the movie over and over in my head.

And I've been blue lately too. Not sure why. You have better reasons than mine. Mine must just be PMS related or something..


yay! you updated! and with pictures!!! :)
i am definitely up for some big shot karaoke next week.


No, no one is sick of hearing about your husband...in fact, per our convo (nice, huh?) last night, it gives me hope. Real hope! And...while I wish for you that you could be with Mark, I feel very lucky to have met you. There are only a handful of people with whom I can see myself watching American Princess. P.S. You looked fabulous last night. I think I forgot to tell you that. But you did.


Thank you for this post and Thank you for posting the quote from The Sound of Music. It really helped me today! I have certainly been in a funk...and I think it will help me too!


I love the list what a great idea. Now I will be humming "raindrops on roses and wiskers on kittens" all night long. I love that song!!!

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