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December 11, 2008


kay drenth

Yay Joscie!!

Joscelyne Cutchens

YAY! How exciting! :) Thanks Marissa, thanks Candice!


How cool!!! Sounds like a fun class :-) Oh, and I am so dying to see your Christmas decor photos and I LOVED the pics of your office in the CK issue... I so want to see a supply list (big ribbon jars, white cubby with drawers, red suitcases, etc.) Thx for the inspiration!!!


How cool!!! Sounds like a fun class :-) Oh, and I am so dying to see your Christmas decor photos and I LOVED the pics of your office in the CK issue... I so want to see a supply list (big ribbon jars, white cubby with drawers, red suitcases, etc.) Thx for the inspiration!!!


How cool!!! Sounds like a fun class :-) Oh, and I am so dying to see your Christmas decor photos and I LOVED the pics of your office in the CK issue... I so want to see a supply list (big ribbon jars, white cubby with drawers, red suitcases, etc.) Thx for the inspiration!!!


How cool!!! Sounds like a fun class :-) Oh, and I am so dying to see your Christmas decor photos and I LOVED the pics of your office in the CK issue... I so want to see a supply list (big ribbon jars, white cubby with drawers, red suitcases, etc.) Thx for the inspiration!!!

Joscelyne Cutchens

I don't know if I emailed to the wrong address, or if I missed your reply, could you email me the details to get into your class? joscelyne at cutchens dot com


Your psontig really straightened me out. Thanks!

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